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ISGC. TM - Conflict Management

JM Chevrier, Ph.D.








Measures the conflictual style of an individual

Offered online at a cost of $ 25 per administration including the report

Selection of staff, coaching

HR specialist

Guidance Counselor, Work Psychologist



10 minutes

Conflicts occur everywhere. At work, between groups in our society, in our own family dynamics, in our interpersonal relationships and even within ourselves. They are omnipresent, taking on a multitude of forms.


"The way to perceive conflicts will have an impact on our attitude towards their resolution."


A more traditional view will perceive conflict negatively, associating it with anger, disaster, sadness, fear, quibbles, etc. While a more contemporary vision will perceive it as: empowering, helping, stimulating, enlightening, enriching, and advancing the individual or situation, etc.

Scales measure the degree to which a person facing conflict will tend to:


Differences of interest

In a conflict situation, people will tend to stay in their position and defend their point in light of it. However, moving towards a resolution will force people to take interest.


"In conflict management, it will be important to keep the focus on the interests involved and not on the positions"


It is these interests that influence the position of the person. They are rarely verbalized and often changing. However, it is they who lead people to act; they are the driving force behind the positions.

The ISGC helps individuals resolve their interpersonal conflicts and better focus their energy on achieving common goals and corporate results.

"The use of the test allows individuals to better identify their preferred method or style of dealing with conflict, and learn appropriate ways for a more effective approach to conflict management with others. "


Reduce stress in your organization by addressing relationship issues while improving productivity and performance in your organization.

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