Measuring executive functions
BRIEF 2- Inventory of behaviors related to executive functions _ french version only
Only available in french, please refer to BRIEF
Gerard Gioia, Ph.D.; Peter Isquith, Ph.D.; Steven Guy, Ph.D.;_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-186badurdenworth , Ph.D.
French translation and adaptation : Sarah Lippé, Ph.D,, neuropsychologist
Measuring executive function disorders
10 - 15 min
Assessment of executive function disorders
On the digital platform
Le diagnostic dépend d'une évaluation complète, qui comprend généralement des antécédents, des observations et des tests. Les échelles d'évaluation du comportement sont des instruments utiles pour saisir efficacement les observations d'une manière structurée et quantifiable.
Executive functions correspond to a set of processes responsible for cognitive, emotional and behavioral regulation and control. One of their particularities is a prolonged development beyond childhood and in parallel with that of the prefrontal brain regions.
The BRIEF-2 makes it possible toassess executive function impairment in children and adolescents 5 to 18 years of age. It provides a precise profile of disorders to guide the care of children or adolescents.
What's new in BRIEF 2
Shorter administration time (only 10 minutes).
Increased sensitivity to executive functions: Elements that attenuated this sensitivity in key clinical groups (such as ADHD and autism spectrum disorders) were eliminated.
Updated taking into account new normative data.
Shorter questionnaire, thanks to a factor analysis which allowed items to be removed.
More concise scales, reducing the burden on the parent, teacher and teenager
Parent, Teacher and Self-Assessment forms with increased parallel structure, hence more similarities.
Description of scales
Inhibition _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
Autorégulation _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-94cf6-bad35-94cde-3194-bad
The Inhibition scale assesses a child's inhibitory control and impulsivity, that is, the ability to resist impulse and the ability to stop his own behavior at the appropriate time.
Behavioral Regulation Index
The Behavior Regulation Index (BRI) measures a child's ability to regulate and monitor their behavior effectively. It is composed of the Inhibition and Autoregulation scales. Appropriate behavior regulation is likely to be a precursor to appropriate cognitive regulation. It enables cognitive regulation processes to successfully guide active and systematic problem solving and, more generally, promotes appropriate self-regulation through appropriate inhibitory control.
The Self-regulation scale assesses the ability to monitor their behaviors, that is, how the child evaluates their performance during a task or quickly after completing a task in order to ensure that their objective has been achieved.
The Flexibility scale assesses a child's ability to move freely from one situation or activity to another or from one aspect of a problem to another, depending on the circumstances. Key aspects of flexibility include the ability to make transitions, tolerate change, solve problems flexibly, or adapt one's mindset.
Emotion Regulation Index
The Emotion Regulation Index (ERI) represents the child's ability to regulate their emotional reactions and adapt to changes in environment, people, plans or demands. It is composed of the Flexibility and Emotional Control scales. Appropriate flexibility and regulation of emotions are precursors to effective cognitive regulation.
Emotional control
The Emotional Control Scale measures the impact of executive function problems on emotional expression and assesses the child's ability to adapt or control their emotional responses.
working memory
The Working Memory scale measures a child's ability to retain information in order to accomplish a task, to codify information, and to establish goals, plans, and the sequential steps necessary to accomplish goals. Goals. Working memory is essential for carrying out multi-step activities or mental manipulations such as mental arithmetic, as well as for following complex instructions.
Appropriate working memory is needed to maintain performance as well as attention. Although working memory and the ability to sustain attention are conceptualized as distinct entities, behavioral outcomes in these two areas are often difficult to distinguish.
Organization of materials
The Organization equipment scale helps to control the order in the child's work, play and storage spaces (for example, his office, his locker , his sac à dos and sa chambre à chambre). Teachers can usually provide an abundance of examples describing the child's ability to order, find, or put things away.
Cognitive regulation index
The Cognitive Regulation Index (CRI) reflects a child's ability to control and manage cognitive processes and to solve problems effectively. It is made up of the Initiative, Working Memory, Planning/Organizing, Task Monitoring, and Organizing Materials scales, and relates directly to the ability to actively problem-solve in a variety of settings and complete tasks such as schoolwork.
Inconsistency scale
The Inconsistency Scale indicates the extent to which the respondent recorded similar responses to certain BRIEF 2 items inconsistently with the clinical samples.
For example, a high inconsistency score could be associated with the response “ Never ” to the item “ Has seizures explosive anger. ", given the response " Often " to the item "_cc781905-136bad5cf58d_" -136bad5cf58d_ Throws tantrums at the slightest opportunity.
T-scores are not generated for the Inconsistency Scale. Instead, the score differentials are calculated for the 10 matched items and they are added together to obtain the total difference score. Ce score d'incohérence est utilisé pour évaluer le protocole et le considérer comme « acceptable », « doubtful ” or “ incoherent_cc781905-5cde-31583-bb3-bad6”.
The Initiative scale reflects the child's ability to undertake a task or activity, and to independently produce ideas, responses, or problem-solving strategies.
The Planning/Organization scale measures the child's ability to manage tasks requested present or futures. It is made up of two elements: planning and organization. The planning component assesses the ability to anticipate future events, set goals, and develop appropriate sequential steps in order to complete a task or activity. The organization component, on the other hand, refers to the ability to bring order to information and bring out main ideas or key concepts when learning or communicating information._cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
Task monitoring
The Task Monitoring Scale assesses a child's task-oriented monitoring or checking habits. It indicates whether the child evaluates his own performance during or shortly after the completion of a task in order to ensure the correctness or the appropriate achievement of a goal.
Although this scale is not a fundamental scale of executive functions such as Working Memory or Planning, the ability to complete tasks is the result of good regulation of problem solving.
Global Scale of Executive Functions
The Global Executive Functions Scale is a summary score that integrates all of the BRIEF 2 clinical scales. The EGFE score can, in some cases, serve as a summary measure of a child's executive function problem._cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
Negativity Scale
The Negativity Scale indicates the extent to which the respondent responded unusually negative to certain BRIEF 2 items compared to the clinical sample. The items assessed in the negativity scale are presented in un summary table. A higher raw score on this scale indicates a greater degree of negativity, with fewer than 3 % of respondents scoring 6 or higher in the clinical sample.
Atypical response scale
The Atypical Response Scale indicates the extent to which the respondent endorsed statements in an atypical way. The scale includes three items likely to be endorsed in the same direction by most respondents. Responding with " Sometimes" or " Often " to any of these questions is highly unusual, even with severe impairment . A higher raw score on this scale indicates a greater degree of rarity, as less than 1 % of respondents scored 1 or higher in the normalization sample.
As with the inconsistency and negativity scales, t-scores are not generated for this scale. An atypical response score of 0 is in the range " acceptable ", which reduces the likelihood of an atypical response pattern.