ICST. TM - Safety at work
Cynthia Bilodeau, Ph.D., co
Measures safe behavior in the work context
Offered online at a cost of $ 25 per administration including the report
Staff Selection, Recruitment Evaluation of a team
HR Director, Guidance Counselor, Work Psychologist
12 mins
Workplace accidents unnecessarily create human suffering and cost businesses hundreds of millions of dollars. They are caused by work behaviors that are unsafe and often unintentional.
These behaviors often result from a simple lack of awareness or information. They also derive from the attitudes and behaviors that a worker may have in his or her work environment. People behave unsafe at work for a variety of reasons. In addition, the attitudes or behaviors that underlie these unsafe behaviors can be measured.

The test gives an indication of the risk associated with the behavior of an individual in relation to the probabilities of a work accident.
Research shows that unsafe work behaviors fall into a few distinct categories. The same research also shows that the underlying behaviors can easily be predicted. It is impossible to predict when an accident will occur, but it is possible to identify the individuals who are most at risk based on their attitudes or behaviors.
is impossible to avoid an accident 100%, and it is possible that an individual who has good test results in an accident in his career, because it is impossible to eliminate 100% risk of an accident .
Conversely, a person with a lower score might not get hurt, despite being more casual and less secure.
Identify the individuals most at risk.
Adapting your training program to the behaviors and attitudes of a group of workersThe lower their scores, the higher the risk. In the context of selection, the results of the CSTI make it possible to identify those most at risk of unsafe behavior in the work context.
The CSTI can not predict a person's safety or accident record.
Instead, they suggest behaviors or attitudes that a person should focus on in order to act safely.