We promote local economy and the influence of Quebec and Canadian researchers around the world. We believe that the arrival of new technologies has allowed a better use of assessment tools and significantly improves the validity and reliability of the tests we publish.
It simplifies the updating of standards and provides high reliability on reports. We focus on the research and development of innovative tools to provide valid tools for professionals working in various setting; School, Business, Clinical, Hospitals, and Universities.
Our Management Team

Patricia Bergeron
Owner and Managing director
Paul Goldman

Léa Goldman
Communication and Social Network
Our collaborators
At the IRP we are surrounded by a valuable team of collaborators: editor and reviser of text, computer graphics, an IT team, statisticians and freelance specialists.
Associate researchers
Cynthia Bilodeau Ph.D c.o.
Author of the Money Relationship Inventory
Cynthia Bilodeau, Ph.D., c.o. is a young researcher and part-time professor at the University of Ottawa.
She is co-author of the approach of entrepreneurial personalities in career guidance, she is also the head of the development of the psychometric instrument Inventory of Styles of Entrepreneurial Personalities.
Laurence Crevier-Braud, Ph.D.
Laurence Crevier-Braud holds a Bachelor's degree in psychology with a specialization thesis from the Université du Québec à Montréal, conducted by Robert J. Vallerand (2008).
She is currently a PhD student in Psychology I / O under the direction of Jacques Forest at UQAM. She is currently continuing her research on passion at work, performance and well-being inspired by the dualistic model of passion. Since 2009, she has been working with the LRISP and is currently working on the validation of the Quebec version of the revised Personality Inventory (Costa & McCrae, 1992).
Marc Daigle Ph.D
Author of HIT, My way of thinking Marc Daigle is interested in the prevention of suicide and the epidemiology of mental disorders and personality in prison.
On the other hand, his job is to develop and evaluate various programs such as the delinquency intervention program and the emotional, love and sexual life education program for people with moderate intellectual disabilities. He is a professor in the Department of Psychology at the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières.
Ester Dormagen
Author of the QDD, Sustainable Development Quotient Esther Dormagen - MBA McGill, CHRP. 9 years of experience in human resources (staffing, training, succession) and communication (internal, employer image), in large companies in Europe and Canada. Specialized for 6 years in corporate social responsibility.
Esther has been an evaluator of the Quebec Quality Awards and President of the Cataléthique association, a showcase of best business practices in social responsibility and sustainable development. Associate The Natural Step for Quebec and consultant-trainer for the Quebec Council of Eco-Responsible Events.
Janine Flessas L.Ps, Neuropsychologue
Author of the ODLE, Tool for the detection of difficulties in learning the written language Janine Flessas, a pediatric neuropsychologist, is now retired from the Sainte-Justine Hospital, after 28 years of service at the Neuropsychology and Child Psychiatry Departments.
She was the Clinical Director of the Center for Neuropsychological Evaluation and Educational Counseling (CENOP) in Montreal. Janine Flessas is also co-author with Dr. Francine Lussier of Neuropsychology of the Child - Developmental Disorders and Learning, Dunod, 2009 and, co-author of EVAC (Verbal Testing of Cognitive Skills, for children 4 to 8 years and 9 to 15 years).
Jacques Forest Ph.D
Organizational psychologist and CHRP, he is professor-researcher at ESG UQAM. Holder of a doctorate in organizational psychology from the Université de Montréal, he completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the John Molson School of Business at Concordia University.
In 2006, he received an award in the popular science advisory contest of the Association francophone pour le savoir (ACFAS) as well as the 2011 ESG-UQAM Research Professorship Award. Mr. Forest is frequently asked to give interviews in the media and make interventions in the company. His work checks the antecedents and consequences of motivations at work and seeks to see how it is possible to reconcile performance and well-being.
Marylène Gagné Ph.D. Université de Rochester
She is Professor of Organizational Behavior and Head of Discipline for Management and Organizations at UWA Business School. She is interested in what motivates paid staff and volunteers. Her research focuses on how organizations, through their structures, cultures, rewards, tasks and management, affect people's motivational orientations to their work.
It also examines the consequences of these orientations for individual and organizational performance, and for the mental health of the individual. His work has been published in journals and management books and psychology, which have been cited more than 6,000 times. She published the Oxford Manual of Employee Engagement, Motivation and Theory of Self-Determination. She has been Associate Editor (2012-2015) for the European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology and currently sits on the editorial board of the Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of Psychology and Business, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, Canadian Psychology and European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology.
Yann Le Corff Ph.D c.o.
Author of the manual of the NEO-inventory of the personality 3 Author of the translation of the ASEBA ADULT, questionnaire of self evaluation and evaluation Author of the IPLC Inventory of the personality of Le Corff Yann Le Corff, Ph.D., is a professor in the Career Counseling Department of the Université de Sherbrooke where he teaches psychometric assessment and psychopathology.
He is a member of the OCCOQ's guidance counselor and has a mental disorder assessment qualification. He is also accredited to the practice of psychotherapy by the Ordre des psychologues du Québec. Her research focuses on psychometric assessment of personality and mental disorders, Internet testing, and professional evaluation practices. He is the author of the Le Corff Personality Inventory (IPLC) and the French version for Canada of the NEO-PI-3 manual. In collaboration with Éric Yergeau and others, he directed the French-Canadian adaptation of ASEBA tools for adults. Finally, he is co-author of the second edition of the book Tests in Support and has published several scientific articles.
Jean-Sébastien Lévesque, B.A. M.Ed., c.o.
PROFILE author Jean-Sébastien Lévesque, guidance counselor, is the author of the Profil test. The Profile test is a test of professional interests. Jean-Sébastien Lévesque works in the school environment.
Sarah Lippé Ph.D., Neuropsychologue
Author of the translation and adaptation of BRIEF 2
Assistant Head of Axis, Brain and Child Development, CHU Sainte-Justine Research Center Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Montreal Researcher, CHU Sainte-Justine Research Center FRQ-S Research Fellow Clinical neuropsychologist since 2004
His research program aims to better understand the brain and cognitive development of children and very young children. In particular, she is interested in the learning mechanisms of the healthy child and of the child who suffers from developmental disorders of various origins. The methods of investigation are varied and non-invasive (EEG, eye tracking, neuropsychology, observations, structural and functional MRI). She founded the Neuroscience of Early Development research laboratory. Study of the cerebral mechanisms of learning of the healthy child. Links with normal brain development, sleep / wake cycles, nutrition, home environment, child self-regulation
Francine Lussier Ph.D, Neuropsychologue
Author of PIFAM, Intervention program on attentional and metacognitive functions Francine Lussier holds a Master's degree in Education and a Master's degree in Psychology and a PhD in Neuropsychology. She worked 15 years in teaching at the primary and secondary levels.
After practicing neuropsychology at Ste-Justine Hospital for fifteen years, Ms. Lussier decided to dedicate all her time to the CENOP founded by her in 1993. She is, with Janine Flessas, co-author of several books, including Neuropsychologie de the child, and several assessment tests (EVAC and small EVAC). In addition, she is the author of PIFAM, the Intervention Program on Attentive and Metacognitive Functions.
Nicolas Plante Ph.D
Author of HIT, My way of thinking Nicolas Plante is a professor of psychology at Bishop's University. He is interested in program planning and evaluation, particularly with offenders. He is the author of the "How I Think Questionnaire, My way of thinking".
Robert Roth Ph.D.
Author of adult BRIEF Robert M. Roth, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor of Psychiatry with the Neuropsychology Program and Brain Imaging Laboratory. He received his B.A. in Psychology from McGill University, followed by an M.A. in Experimental Psychology and Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Concordia University in Montreal. Dr. Roth is a clinical neuropsychologist who trained at the Montreal Neurological Institute, completed a pre-doctoral fellowship in psychology/neuropsychology at Yale University, and a post-doctoral fellowship in neuropsychology and neuroimaging at Dartmouth Medical School.
Christiane Routhier Ph.D.
IAP Translator - Personality Inventory Christiane Routhier, Ph.D., was President of the Disaster and Injury Section of the Canadian Psychological Association and a member of the Psychotraumatology Advisory Committees of the Canadian Department of National Defense.
She is also known as a specialist in psychometrics, psychology of engagement and creativity. She works for the Canadian Armed Forces where she designed and tested an Operational Stress Injury Prevention Program for the military: the Military Resilience Training Program (MPRT). She is also known as a specialist in psychometrics, psychology of engagement and creativity.
Brigitte Stanké Ph.D M.O.A.
Author of the ODLE, Screening tool for difficulties in learning the written language Brigitte Stanké, speech therapist MOA and Ph.D. from the University of Montreal specialized in developmental disorders of written language, worked with young children, adolescents and adults, both in school and in private practice.
Currently, professor at the UQTR in the Department of Speech-Language Pathology and Education Sciences, in the exclusive field of written language. She is also author and co-author of several books on this issue, a software and verbal test of cognitive skills (the small EVAC) designed for children from 4 to 8 years.
Jean Sébastien Trudel
Author of QDD, Quotient of Sustainable Development Entrepreneur, columnist and speaker, Jean-Sébastien Trudel is the founder of ellipsos, a sustainable development consulting firm.
In 2007, he published at Éditions Transcontinental Let's Stop Pissing in Bottled Water, winner of the 2008 France-Québec Entrepreneurship Book Award and the Special Mention Sustainable Development of the 2008 Quebec Business Book Award. Moreover, he is the author of Quotient sustainable development.
Anja Van den Broeck
Anja Van den Broeck specializes in work psychology and motivation. She earned a doctorate on KULeuven employee motivation in 2010, and is an affiliate lecturer at the Research Group on Work, Organizational Psychology and Personnel. She began her research as well as teaching at HUBrussel in 2010.
She currently teaches Psychology of Work and Organization. As a member of the Human Relations Research Group, his research goal is to examine how and under what circumstances individuals can thrive at work. His research unravels the interaction between job design, for example, approached to the job-demand model, and impaired (ie burnout) and optimal (ie job engagement) the good -being and motivation. His other research interests include unemployment, volunteering, students and workaholic "drug addict".
Maarten Vansteenkiste, Ph.D.
During the last year Vansteenkiste studied at the University of Louvain (Belgium) and spent a year with Edward Deci and Richard Ryan, the founding fathers of the theory of self-determination. University of Rochester (USA). He currently supervises several Ph.D. students who study motivational dynamics in a wide variety of areas, including diet regulation, ecology, parenting and physical education. It focuses on motivational dynamics in this research.
It tries to understand how the different reasons for engaging in an activity and the pursuit of different goals are related to outcomes, such as performance, persistence, learning and well-being. Through his research, he seeks to develop self-determination theory (Deci and Ryan 2000, Ryan and Deci 2000), a well-known motivation theory validated empirically.
Eric Yergeau Ph.D
Author of the translation of the ASEBA ADULT, self-evaluation and evaluation questionnaire Eric Yergeau has been a research professor at the vocational guidance department of the Université de Sherbrooke since 2006. He teaches psychometric assessment of skills as well as statistics applied to vocational guidance and education sciences. His research interests include the adaptation and validation of behavioral scales for adults and the study of the psychometric properties of instruments used in adolescent guidance in schools. In addition, he is interested in the use of psychometric tests and their impact in the practice of the speakers. He trained several psychosocial workers in the administration of standardized assessment tools, including ASEBA tools. He is also a co-author of the latest edition of the "Tests in Support" volume, which is a must-read for anyone wishing to incorporate psychometric assessment into the practice of counseling.